

My name is Jeff Hall

You might call me a Tinkerer...a Restorer...a Visionary...a Re-Purposer, or just a collector of old Junk. Basically I love all things old, no matter if they are broken, damaged, pristine or just rusty pieces of metal, they all have a story to tell.

Sometimes they can be revived to tell they're stories once again, sometimes they can be re-purposed for another use or perhaps as Art. I love history, and many of the items that I have restored over the years go back 100 years. At that time in our nations history, things were built with pride and made to last.

Today we live in a "throw away society." Products are built cheaply and out of breakable materials. You break an item, you go buy another one...simple... easy... and BORING. We've lost so many craftsman and women over the years, Furniture Makers, Potters, Blacksmiths, Metal Workers, Tinsmiths, Weavers, Finish carpenters that used hand tools...glass cutters and engravers...typesetters. The list goes on. I get the biggest thrill when I show a young child an item from the past, and watch their eyes light up when they see it operate.

I'm constantly adding items to my Gallery, so please come back and visit.
